Tips For Getting Rid Of Your Company’s Scrap Metal

Does your factory, plant, or workplace generate a lot of scrap metal? Disposal fees can be exorbitant, cutting into your bottom line. Even further, you may have to arrange to have the metal taken to a disposal facility, which can cut into your workers' time as well as into your profits. Fortunately, there is a solution. Industrial scrap metal recycling can help you save time and money. In fact, it can even put some extra cash into the company coffers. The following can help you choose the best service.

Look for a recycler in your industry

Not all scrap metal recyclers are created equal. It's best to find one that has experience in the materials generated by your specific industry. For example, if you are in the marine or ship building business, you need a recycler that not only handles the types of metals you are likely to produce as scrap, but also that has experience with dealing with metals that have been exposed to marine conditions. A recycler that doesn't have this experience may refuse to take metal that had salt corrosion or heavy barnacle buildup, for example, whereas a marine specialist won't have these same concerns because they are accustomed to dealing with these issues.

Make sure they provide pickup services

You don't want to waste time or tie up your own equipment in gathering and delivering scrap metal to the recycler. Choose a service that provides a dumpster or trailer for scrap metal collection. Depending on your industry and the amount of scrap you produce, you may want to go with a service that provides for regular pickups and replacements of their scrap metal receptacles. On the other hand, if you produce scrap more sporadically, it may make more sense to choose a service that only comes to pick it up when you call in a full receptacle.

Opt for a cash buyer

Scrap recyclers fall into two main categories—those that charge you for their service and those that give you a cut of the profits they earn from selling the scrap. You likely want to go with the latter if you produce valuable scrap, such as steel, copper, or precious metals. If your scrap is generally not recyclable, either due to the materials content or because of a hazardous conditions, then opting for the service with a competitive low fee is the better choice.

For more information, contact local industrial scrap metal recycling services.
