Common Types Of Services Offered By A Plastic Welding Service
Whether you are the operator of a large-scale industrial facility or you have a small manufacturing business, there is a good chance that you will need a good plastic welding service at some point. Welding plastic is a process that is done to join two or more types of plastic, which can be plastic relative to everything from specific products to your industrial equipment. To better understand just how valuable plastic welding services can be, it is a good idea to get to know all they have to offer. Here is a look at some of the types of services offered by a typical plastic welding service:
Hot Plate Welding
In a lot of larger applications, hot plate welding is used to secure the joints of two different pieces that may have unique shapes or patterns along the edges that need to be seamed together. For example, if you have two large walls of a piece of equipment that have dovetail like joints, hot plates cut specifically to size to fit the oddly shaped edges will be used to seam the edges all at one time instead of one piece at a time. Hot plate welding is a specialized service that usually involves not just the plastic welding contractor, but also possibly a metal machinist or metal fabricator to create the right sized plates.
Ultrasonic Thermoplastic Welding
When it is absolutely necessary that you have a perfected uniform bond, ultrasonic thermoplastic welding is a good option. Ultrasonic plastic welding utilizes a very low-frequency vibration that is rapid enough to create a friction between two pieces of plastic as they rub together. The friction generated causes heat that melts the plastic, which in turn creates a bond once the friction from the low vibrations is stopped. There are pieces of machinery designed to perform ultrasonic thermoplastic welding, but this can also be accomplished with portable plastic welding equipment designed for the purpose.
Laser Welding
In smaller applications where absolute precision is a must, traditional welding methods are not ideal because precision can be limited. In these situations, a small welder designed to use the power of a tiny laser beam to create a weld is used. Laser welding can be especially useful in manufacturing processes but is also used in general repair of some forms of equipment, specifically those that have small plastic hoses and lines that can rupture and need mending on occasion.